Dr. Katarzyna Kliza

Dr. Katarzyna Kliza


Decoding Post-Translational Modification Signalling Networks



 Chukwudi Thomas Ugwu

Chukwudi Thomas Ugwu

PhD Student

Chukwudi (Chuks) obtained his bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, his home country. He then pursued his master’s as a Government of Ireland International Education Scholar (GOI-IES) at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, University College Dublin (UCD). For his master’s thesis, he utilized a semi-synthetic approach to site-specifically modify recombinantly produced human interferon-gamma at its naturally occurring post-translational modification sites for immunotherapeutic applications. In the Kliza lab at IMPRS-LM, Chukwudi is excited to contribute to the development of proteomics tools for deciphering the complexity of ADP-ribosylation signaling networks in both normal and pathological conditions. Outside the lab, he is a Manchester United fan, enjoys the gym, and plays chess.

Michelle Marten

Michelle Marten

Biology Lab Technician

Michelle completed her training as a Biology Lab Technician at MPI Dortmund in 2014 and has since worked in various research groups. Her most recent role was in the group of Dr. Christian Schröter in the Department of Systemic Cell Biology, where she focused on working with murine and human embryonic stem cells, aiming to determine how these cells specialize in the early stages of development. In the Kliza lab, Michelle will continue her work with embryonic stem cells and play a key role in supporting the team in decoding post-translational modification networks. Additionally, Michelle is an active member of the green team, passionately promoting sustainable research practices. Outside the lab, she is not a Manchaster United fan, but her interests include crafting, plants, photography, and travel.

Elias Windisch

Elias Windisch

Student intern

Hey, I am Elias. I am currently a student pursuing a Master of Science in Biology at the Ruhr-University Bochum, specializing in protein and structural biology. I also completed my BSc in Biology at the same university. I am fascinated by the field of (protein) analytics and am eager to further my education in this area, with a particular interest in post-translational modifications. Therefore, I am doing an internship in the Kliza lab to learn more about this topic, especially about ADP-ribosylation, proteomics and mass-spectrometry. When I'm not in the lab, I enjoy dancing, hiking, and playing volleyball.

Join the team

PhD applicants are recruited biannually through the International Max Planck Research School for Living Matter. See here for further details. Interested applicants are welcome to contact us directly by email. Please include your CVtranscript records and a brief motivation letter.

Postdoc applicants are kindly requested to send their CVs and motivation letters to us by email.

We welcome undergraduate students or students interested in an internship of at least 3 months. Please send your CV, recent transcript records and a brief motivation letter to us by email.

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