Publikationen von Katja Gotthardt

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Guaitoli, G.; Raimondi, F.; Gilsbach, B.; Gómez-Llorente, Y.; Deyaert, E.; Renzi, F.; Li, X.; Schaffner, A.; Jagtap, P. K. A.; Boldt, K. et al.; von Zweydorf, F.; Gotthardt, K.; Lorimer, D. D.; Yue, Z.; Burgin, A.; Janjic, N.; Sattler, M.; Versées, W.; Ueffing, M.; Ubarretxena-Belandia, I.; Kortholt, A.; Gloeckner, C. J.: Structural model of the dimeric Parkinson’s protein LRRK2 reveals a compact architecture involving distant interdomain contacts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (30), S. E4357 - E4366 (2016)
Gotthardt, K.; Lokaj, M.; Koerner, C.; Falk, N.; Gießl, A.; Wittinghofer, A.: A G-protein activation cascade from Arl13B to Arl3 and implications for ciliary targeting of lipidated proteins. eLife, S. e11859:1 - e11859:28 (2015)
Wätzlich, D.; Vetter, I. R.; Gotthardt, K.; Miertzschke, M.; Chen, Y.-X.; Wittinghofer, A.; Ismail, S.: The interplay between RPGR, PDEδ and Arl2/3 regulate the ciliary targeting of farnesylated cargo. EMBO Reports 14 (5), 1, S. 465 - 472 (2013)
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