Philippe Bastiaens wurde 1963 in den Helder (Niederlande) geboren. Er studierte Biochemie und Molekulare Physik an der Universität Wageningen (Niederlande) sowie an der University of Georgia (USA) und der University of Illinois (USA). 1988 erhielt er sein Diplom (mit Auszeichnung) in “Engineering in Molecular Sciences” von der Universität von Wageningen, wo er von 1989 – 1992 seine Doktorarbeit in Biochemie mit Auszeichnung abgelegt hat.
Von 1993 – 1996 war er Postdoctoral Fellow am Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen in der Arbeitsgruppe von Thomas Jovin. In dieser Zeit entwickelte sich sein Interesse an spektroskopischen Techniken zur Untersuchung von Protein-Interaktionen in lebenden Zellen. 1997 wurde er Gruppenleiter am Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London. 2000 kehrte er nach Deutschland zurück und erhielt eine Gruppenleiter-Position am renommierten European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg. Zur gleichen Zeit wurde er Professor an der Universität von Amsterdam, wo er sich auf die mikroskopische Analyse der Dynamik biochemischer Prozesse in Zellen fokussierte.
2006 wurde er Direktor der Abteilung Systemische Zellbiologie am Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie in Dortmund. Seitdem lehrt er an der TU Dortmund Zellbiologie und Systembiologie.
PhD in biochemistry (with distinction): “Fluorescence relaxation spectroscopy: light on dynamical structures of flavoprotein”
Department of Biochemistry, Agricultural University, Wageningen (NL)
Degree of Engineering in Molecular Sciences (with distinction): “Specialisation:
biochemistry and molecular physics”
Department of Biochemistry, Agricultural University, Wageningen (NL)
Current Positions
since 2006
Department for Systemic Cell Biology, MPI of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund (Germany)
since 2007
Full Professor
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund (Germany)
Previous Positions
2000 – 2006
Group leader
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL)
1997 – 2000
Group leader
Cell Biophysics Laboratory, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
1993 – 1996
Department of Molecular Biology, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen (Germany)
Fellowships and Awards
ERC Advanced Grant
Leica Scientific Forum Speaker in “Advances in Life Science”
Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane (Australia)
since 2008
Elected EMBO Member
Prize for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NVBMB)
1992 – 1993
Research fellow
Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, University of Wageningen, Wageningen (The Netherlands)
Ausgewählte Publikationen 2013 - 2024
PubMed List>
List of Publications 01/2024
Joshi MS, Stanoev A, Huebinger J, Soetje B, Zorina V, Roßmannek L, Michel K, Müller SA, Bastiaens PI (2023).The EGFR phosphatase RPTPγ is a redox-regulated suppressor of promigratory signaling. EMBO J. Quelle
Huebinger J, Grecco H, Masip ME, Christmann J, Fuhr GR, Bastiaens PIH (2021).Ultrarapid cryo-arrest of living cells on a microscope enables multiscale imaging of out-of-equilibrium molecular patterns. Science Advances
Gavriljuk K, Scocozza B, Ghasemalizadeh F, Seidel H, Nandan AP, Campos-Medina M, Schmick M, Koseska A & Bastiaens PIH (2021). A self-organized synthetic morphogenic liposome responds with shape changes to local light cues. Nature Communications
Koseska A, Bastiaens PIH (2020). Processing Temporal Growth Factor Patterns by an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Network Dynamically Established in Space Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
doi: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-013020-103810
Baumdick M, Gelléri M, Uttamapinant C, Beránek V, Chin JW, Bastiaens PIH (2018). A conformational sensor based on genetic code expansion reveals an autocatalytic component in EGFR activation. Nat Commun
doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06299-7.
Stanoev A, Mhamane A, Schuermann KC, Grecco HE, Stallaert W, Baumdick M, Brüggemann Y, Joshi MS, Roda-Navarro P, Fengler S, Stockert R, Roßmannek L, Luig J, Koseska A, Bastiaens PIH (2018). Interdependence between EGFR and Phosphatases Spatially Established by Vesicular Dynamics Generates a Growth Factor Sensing and Responding Network. Cell Syst
doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2018.06.006.
Stallaert W, Brüggemann Y, Sabet O, Baak L, Gattiglio M, Bastiaens PIH (2018). Contact inhibitory Eph signaling suppresses EGF-promoted cell migration by decoupling EGFR activity from vesicular recycling. Sci Sig
doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aat0114.
Tsutsumi R, Harizanova J, Stockert R, Schröder K, Bastiaens PIH, Neel BG. (2017). Assay to visualize specific protein oxidation reveals spatio-temporal regulation of SHP2. Nat Commun 8(1):466
doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00503-w.
Antonios D. Konitsiotis, Lisaweta Roßmannek, Angel Stanoev, Malte Schmick & Philippe I.H. Bastiaens (2017). Spatial cycles mediated by UNC119 solubilisation maintain Src family kinases plasma membrane localisation. Nat Commun 8:114
doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00116-3.
Papke B, Murarka S, Vogel HA, Martín-Gago P, Kovacevic M, Truxius DC, Fansa EK, Ismail S, Zimmermann G, Heinelt K, Schultz-Fademrecht C, Al Saabi A, Baumann M, Nussbaumer P, Wittinghofer A, Waldmann H, Bastiaens PI (2016). Identification of pyrazolopyridazinones as PDEδ inhibitors. Nat Commun 7:11360. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11360.
doi: 10.1038/ncomms11360.
Masip ME, Huebinger J, Christmann J, Sabet O, Wehner F, Konitsiotis A, Fuhr GR, Bastiaens PI (2016). Reversible cryo-arrest for imaging molecules in living cells at high spatial resolution. Nat Methods. 13(8):665-72.
doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3921
Sabet O, Stockert R, Xouri G, Brüggemann Y, Stanoev A, Bastiaens PI (2015). Ubiquitination switches EphA2 vesicular traffic from a continuous safeguard to a finite signaling mode. Nat Commun 6:8047.
doi: 10.1038/ncomms9047.
Ibach J, Radon Y, Gelleri M, Sonntag MH, Brunsveld L, Bastiaens PI, Verveer PJ (2015). Single Particle Tracking Reveals that EGFR Signaling Activity Is Amplified in Clathrin-Coated Pits. PLoS One 10(11):e0143162.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143162.
Baumdick M, Brüggemann Y, Schmick M, Xouri G, Sabet O, Davis L, Chin JW, Bastiaens PI (2015). EGF-dependent re-routing of vesicular recycling switches spontaneous phosphorylation suppression to EGFR signaling. ELife 4: e12223.
doi: 10.7554/eLife.12223.
Roda-Navarro P, Bastiaens PI (2014). Dynamic recruitment of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPD1 to EGF stimulation sites potentiates EGFR activation. PLoS One 9(7):e103203.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103203.
Schmick M, Vartak N, Papke B, Kovacevic M, Truxius DC, Rossmannek L, Bastiaens PI (2014). KRas localizes to the plasma membrane by spatial cycles of solubilization, trapping and vesicular transport. Cell 157(2):459-71.
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.02.051.
Vartak N, Papke B, Grecco HE, Rossmannek L, Waldmann H, Hedberg C, Bastiaens PIH (2014). Autocatalytic APT depalmitoylation maintains spatial organization of palmitoylated membrane proteins. Biophys J 106(1):93-105
doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.11.024.
Zimmermann G, Papke B, Ismail S, Vartak N, Chandra A, Hoffmann M, Hahn SA, Triola G, Wittinghofer A, Bastiaens PI, Waldmann H (2013). Small molecule inhibition of the KRAS-PDEδ interaction impairs oncogenic KRAS signalling. Nature 30;497(7451):638-42
doi: 10.1038/nature12205.