Zeitschriftenartikel (2903)

Koseska, A.; Volkov, E.; Zaikin, A.; Kurths, J.: Quantized cycling time in artificial gene networks induced by noise and intercell communication. Physical Review E 76 (2), S. 020901:1 - 020901:4 (2007)
Anand, K.; Schulte, A.; Fujinaga, K.; Scheffzek, K.; Geyer, M.: Cyclin Box Structure of the P-TEFb Subunit Cyclin T1 Derived from a Fusion Complex with EIAV Tat. Journal of Molecular Biology 370 (5), 1, S. 826 - 836 (2007)
Bos, J. L.; Rehmann, H.; Wittinghofer, A.: GEFs and GAPs: Critical Elements in the Control of Small G Proteins. Cell 129 (5), 1, S. 865 - 877 (2007)
Bastiaens, P.: Pimp my cell. Molecular Systems Biology 3 (8), 120, S. 1 - 2 (2007)
Wu, Y.-W.; Tan, K.-T.; Waldmann, H.; Goody, R. S.; Alexandrov, K.: Interaction analysis of prenylated Rab GTPase with Rab escort protein and GDP dissociation inhibitor explains the need for both regulators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (30), 1, S. 12294 - 12299 (2007)
Vogel, A.; Tan, K.-T.; Waldmann, H.; Feller, S. E.; Brown, M. F.; Huster, D.: Flexibility of Ras Lipid Modifications Studied by 2H Solid-State NMR and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biophysical Journal 93, 1, S. 2697 - 2712 (2007)
Koller-Eichhorn, R.; Marquardt, T.; Gail, R.; Wittinghofer, A.; Kostrewa, D.; Kutay, U.; Kambach, C.: Human OLA1 Defines an ATPase Subfamily in the Obg Family of GTP-binding Proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (27), 1, S. 19928 - 19937 (2007)
Ignatev, A.; Piatkov, K.; Pylypenko, O.; Rak, A.: A size filtration approach to purify low affinity complexes for crystallization. Journal of Structural Biology 159 (1), 1, S. 154 - 157 (2007)
Xouri, G.; Dimaki, M.; Bastiaens, P. I. H.; Lygerou, Z.: Cdt1 Interactions in the Licensing Process: A Model for Dynamic Spatio-temporal Control of Licensing. Cell Cycle 6 (13), 1, S. 1549 - 1552 (2007)
Zhang, X.; Gelderblom, H. R.; Zierold, K.; Reichart, P. A.: Morphological findings and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis of oral amalgam tattoos. Micron 38 (5), 1, S. 543 - 548 (2007)
Schulz, O.; Markus, M.: Velocity Distributions of Camphor Particle Ensembles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (28), 1, S. 8175 - 8178 (2007)
Mamane, V.; Garcia, A. B.; Umarye, J. D.; Leßmann, T.; Sommer, S.; Waldmann, H.: Stereoselective allylation of aldehydes on solid support and its application in biology-oriented synthesis (BIOS). Tetrahedron 63 (26), 1, S. 5754 - 5767 (2007)
Swoger, J.; Verveer, P.; Greger, K.; Huisken, J.; Stelzer, E. H. K.: Multi-view image fusion improves resolution in three-dimensional microscopy. Optics Express 15 (13), 1, S. 8029 - 8042 (2007)
Zenker, M.; Horn, D.; Wieczorek, D.; Allanson, J.; Pauli, S.; Van der Burgt, I.; Doerr, H.-G.; Gaspar, H.; Hofbeck, M.; Gillessen-Kaesbach, G. et al.; Koch, A.; Meinecke, P.; Mundlos, S.; Nowka, A.; Rauch, A.; Reif, S.; Von Schnakenburg, C.; Seidel, H.; Wehner, L.-E.; Zweier, C.; Bauhuber, S.; Matejas, V.; Kratz, C. P.; Thomas, C.; Kutsche, K.: SOS1 is the second most common Noonan gene but plays no major role in cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome. Journal of Medical Genetics 44, 1, S. 651 - 656 (2007)
Ngo, H.; Harris, R.; Kimmich, N.; Casino, P.; Niks, D.; Blumenstein, L.; Barends, T. R.; Kulik, V.; Weyand, M.; Schlichting, I. et al.; Dunn, M. F.: Synthesis and Characterization of Allosteric Probes of Substrate Channeling in the Tryptophan Synthase Bienzyme Complex. Biochemistry 46 (26), 1, S. 7713 - 7727 (2007)
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