Award for the best biology graduates in NRW
We congratulate the best biology A-level students of NRW on receiving the Karl-von-Frisch Prize

During a price ceremony at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology in Dortmund, the Karl-von-Frisch Prize was awarded to 60 high school graduates by the VBIO. The graduates and their companions were welcomed by Prof. Gabriele Pfitzer (Chair of the LV-NRW in VBIO). Afterwards, they were given insights into the science of the MPI. The two doctoral students Aylin Binici and Philipp Heilen reported on their career from the bachelor's to the master's studies to the choice of the doctoral topic. Afterwards, all the graduates were able to got a taste of laboratory life in various guided tours and, among other things, watched cell division live under the microscope and marvel at the latest cryo-electron microscopes. After the certificates and the prize bag with the book gift were handed out, Stefan Raunser, Director at the MPI, gave the ceremonial lecture with the topic "A case for two: with a fatal outcome".
We warmly congratulate all the award winners on receiving the prize and wish them all the best for the future!