We congratulate the best biology A-level students of NRW, who were awarded the Karl-von-Frisch Prize by the VBIO at a ceremony at the MPI in Dortmund.
June 20, 2024
beta-Catenin discovered as a new key player in the formation of the main body axis during mammalian embryogenesis
June 18, 2024  
Peng Wu receives ~1 million euros from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the development of novel RNA-targeting drugs
June 11, 2024  
Three MPI researchers awarded for medically relevant cutting-edge research in the field of electron microscopy and protein degradation
May 29, 2024  
A strategy by MPI scientist to assess the role of liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) drivers in cell division reveals poor predictive power of established LLPS assays
April 23, 2024  
Max Plank researchers from Dortmund unveil at the molecular level how ring-like formin proteins promote actin filament growth in cells
April 16, 2024
Chemists in Dortmund have identified the first inhibitors of the cancer-related RNA-modifier METTL16 and have thus taken a first step towards new therapeutic options
April 8, 2024  
Am 21.02.24 hat Ina Brandes, Ministerin für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, das Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie besucht und sich über die exzellente Forschungsarbeit des Instituts informiert.
February 21 , 2024  
Max Planck researchers from Dortmund reveal the first-ever detailed structure of the bacterial toxin Mcf1
January 31, 2024  
How a few soldier cells confer virulence to an entire bacterial population by sacrificing themselves
January 19, 2024  



Peter ‘t Hart, Group Leader at the Chemical Genomics Centre of the Max Planck Society in Dortmund received the Bachem AtPS Award for Peptide Science for his research on the Protein-RNA interactions, during the 12th Austrian Peptide Symposium on Dec. 5th, 2023, in Vienna, Austria.
December 14, 2023  
Researchers develop novel cancer protein killer and discover a new ligase for PROTACs
December 11, 2023  
Scientists shoot first true-to-life 3D image of the thick filament of mammalian heart muscle
November 01, 2023  
Laura Posada and Ryan Hylton receive Humboldt Fellowship - congratulations!
October 23, 2023  
MPI scientists reveal how phosphate escapes from actin filaments – a key signal that primes older filaments for disassembly
September 27, 2023  
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann will be honoured with the Otto Hahn Award 2023 for his innovative drug research at the interface of chemistry and biology.
September 21, 2023  
Max Planck Scientists from Dortmund show how the signaling molecules BMP and FGF act as antagonists during embryonic development and thus guide cell differentiation
September 18, 2023
Max Planck researchers identify mechanisms of key players in the maturation process of ribosomes with chemical biology tool kit
August 11, 2023  
For his exceptional scientific achievments in the field of muscle research, the Max Planck Society has awarded Zhexin "Eric" Wang the prestigious Otto Hahn Medal 2022
June 22, 2023  
We congratulate the best biology A-level students of NRW on receiving the Karl-von-Frisch Prize 
June 15, 2023  
Teams from MPI Institutes in Dresden, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main and Göttingen have joined forces to gain the first evidence of a protein complex responsible for the transport of messenger RNA in neurons
June 1, 2023  
A team of RNA scientists, chemists and cancer biologists from Florida, Dortmund and Münster have found new possibilities for targeting cancer genes’ RNA with nature-inspired compounds
May 24, 2023  
Max Planck researchers from Dortmund programmed a tool that accurately recognises and picks proteins in electron cryo-tomography, substituting troublesome hand selection
May 15, 2023  
Research of new Max Planck Research Group Leader has potential to uncover new clinically relevant targets
April 26, 2023



Max Planck researchers from Dortmund reveal the tiniest details of actin filaments
October 26, 2022  
Cryo-EM and protein NMR 3D snapshots reveal sophisticated mechanism of action of a bacterial Tc toxin
August 03, 2022  
Internationally recognized leaders in the biomedical sciences honored by Vallee Foundation
July 29, 2022  
Karl von Frisch Award ceremony for best biology high school graduates at the MPI Dortmund
June 22, 2022  
The European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology has awarded Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann the „Nauta Pharmacochemistry Award in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology“ 
May 16, 2022  
Stefan Raunser has been elected to the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts
May 12, 2022  
Dr. Peter ‘t Hart receives 90.000 Euros from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for his research on cyclized peptides
May 04, 2022  
Max Planck researchers in Dortmund uncover what constitutes the "crown” of the kinetochore
April 08, 2022  
Max Planck Researcher from Dortmund receives €1.5 million to develop innovative molecular glues with therapeutic potential
November 22, 2022  
Dortmund research initiative proves benefit of vaccination after recovery from COVID-19
March 16, 2022
German-Argentinian Max Planck Partner groups reveal molecular morse code in stem cells encrypting differentiation information
February 24, 2022
Max Planck PhD Student from Dortmund is one of six brilliant young scientists awarded
September 30, 2022  
Max Planck Institute’s researchers visualise the structure of the muscle protein nebulin using electron cryo-tomography
February 17, 2022  
New insights into the bacterial type VI secretion system could one day help to develop antibacterial and antifungal applications
February 09, 2022
Research team creates molecular basis for a better understanding of the regulation of cellular degradation processes
February 03, 2022  
Morphological fingerprinting could help identify side effects and new bioactive compounds in drug discovery
January 26, 2022
Sidney Becker wants to kickstart evolution to understand how life evolved from pure chemistry
January 05, 2022  
Max Planck Institute’s researchers provide a first 3D snapshot of the CCAN protein complex and raise fundamental questions towards the creation of artificial chromosomes
May 13, 2022  



Max Planck researchers reveal how potassium channels work in insects and discover new ways to target them
December 10, 2021  
Ultrarapid cooling enables the observation of molecular patterns of life
December 13, 2021
MPI of Molecular Physiology supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) 
December 21, 2021  
Max Planck Institute’s researchers highlight the mechanism that enhances toxicity of pathogens in the human cell
November 16, 2021  
An interdisciplinary team of Max Planck Scientists has unraveled the enigmatic mechanism behind actin branching
September 17, 2021  
Lukas Braun, IT specialist/system integration trainee, received the MPG 2021 Trainee Award in a small ceremony
September 06, 2021  
Dortmund's Mayor Thomas Westphal has awarded the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Rolf Kinne, the former director of the MPI (1983 - 2005)
August 25, 2021  
Known and yet unexpected: many active substances influence the cholesterol homeostasis and thereby possibly a SARS-CoV-2 infection
July 22, 2021  
Dr. Peng Wu receives 90.000 Euros from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for his research on the degradation of mRNA
July 15, 2021  
The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation awards 900.000 Euros of funding to Dr. Charles Loh for the development of novel glycosylation reactions to access pharmaceutically relevant carbohydrate derivatives
July 01, 2021  
By modelling the kinetochore from scratch, Max Planck Institute’s researchers get a step closer to creating artificial chromosomes
June 30, 2021  
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the MPI Dortmund created a  synthetic cell with life-like properties that revealed fundamental principles of morphogenesis and perception
June 24, 2021  
Research consortium around Prof. Andrea Musacchio receives DFG funding to investigate mechanisms that regulate organismal development and regeneration 
May 25, 2021  
Stem cells work as a team and do not leave their fate to pure chance
November 08, 2021  
Dr. Elena Reckzeh is awarded the Otto Hahn Medal 2020 of the Max Planck Society for her outstanding scientific achievements in the field of chemical biology
April 28, 2021  
Max Planck scientists from Dortmund find immunoregulatory substances with newly developed test system
March 17, 2021  
New product to be launched in March simplifies cryo electron tomography
March 10, 2021  
The group of Aneta Koseska developed a new concept to describe how cells specialize during development
February 16, 2021  
Dr. Peng Wu receives research funding of approximately 120,000 euros for the development of innovative anti-corona therapeutics
February 10, 2021  
Herbert Waldmann has been awarded the Richard Willstätter Prize for his outstanding contributions in the field of chemical biology
January 28, 2021  
Max Planck Institute’s researchers use electron cryo-tomography to reveal novel molecular details of skeletal sarcomeres
March 24, 2021  



Experts from different fields together reveal the first structure of the peroxisomal docking complex
December 17, 2020  
Malte Gersch's team is looking for new ways to develop innovative therapeutic approaches.
December 14, 2020  
Optogenetic investigations by the Dehmelt group reveal mechanism for regulation of cell contraction dynamics
December 02, 2020  
Prof. Andrea Musacchio is part of an european research consortium awarded the prestigious ERC Synergy Grant to reconstitute cell division in vitro and in silico
November 05, 2020  
Award for medically relevant cutting-edge research for new possibilities in cancer medicine with minimal side effects
September 25, 2020  
Joining the stem cell network opens up a variety of opportunities for transdisciplinary exchange in biomedical research for scientists at the MPI Dortmund
September 08, 2020  
Christos Gatsogiannis becomes professor for electron tomography of nanostructured systems
September 01, 2020  
Dortmund Training Network again trains ten technical assistants
August 26, 2020  
Aneta Koseska was taken up in the Lise Meitner Excellence Program of the Max Planck Society (MPS)
June 23, 2020  
Herbert Waldmann was awarded for his outstanding achievements in the entire field of chemistry
June 18, 2020  
For his lifetime achievements in peptide and protein chemistry Herbert Waldmann is awarded The Josef Rudinger Memorial Lecture Award
May 20, 2020  
GTSE1 regulates microtubules and thus prevents errors in the distribution of chromosomes
February 26, 2020  



The Max Planck Schools - an initiative of German universities and research organisations - start with a unique, innovative doctoral programme  
One day, medical compounds could be introduced into cells with the help of bacterial toxins
December 13, 2019  
Andrea Musacchio receives the Leibniz Prize 2020 for his groundbreaking work on the control of cell division.
December 05, 2019  
The President of Germany visited COMAS at the MPI to learn more about drug research in Dortmund.
November 29, 2019  
Prestigious ERC Synergy Grant to Stefan Raunser and partners to study the nanostructure of muscles 
October 21, 2019  
Dr. Dennis Quentin received the PhD Thesis Award of the Biochemistry Section of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
November 05, 2019  
Max Planck researchers make weak point in pathogens visible
October 04, 2019  
PhD Students from the TU Dortmund, the Chemical Genomics Centre and the Max Planck Institute Dortmund have initiated the first European International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) Students’ Chapter.
September 11, 2019  
The team of Christian Schröter receives research funding from the Volkswagen Foundation to study the time component of life cycles using stem cells.
August 30, 2019  
As a partner in a research consortium the group of Prof. Dr. Stefan Raunser receives considerable BMBF funding.
July 31, 2019  
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann was awarded the Paul Ehrlich Prize of the French Society for Therapeutic Chemistry (SCT) for his outstanding work in the field of medicinal chemistry.
July 16, 2019  
The best young biology graduates from North Rhine-Westphalia habe been awarded the Karl von Frisch prize at the MPI by the VBIO at June 26th 2019.
June 27, 2019  
The equal opportunity officer of the MPI, Beate Schölermann, together with MinervaFemmeNet organised a networking event for young female scientists.
May 20, 2019
Dr. Dennis Quentin was awarded the Evonik Industries AG thesis prize. Dr. Michael Grange received the EMBO long-term fellowhsip.
February 20, 2019  



The Max Planck Society in collaboration with AstraZeneca, Merck and Pfizer starts the third funding period of the Chemical Genomics Centre (CGC)
November 08, 2018  
Adrian Krzyzanowski was awarded the Hoechst Stipend of the Aventis Foundation in recognition of his excellent academic performance.
November 05, 2018  
Researchers decode the toxin complex of the plague bacterium and other germs.
October 31, 2018  
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann was awarded in recognition of his masterful contributions to the field of the synthesis and function of optically active compounds. This prize, which is valued at 500 000 Yen, is awarded annually since 1995 by the Japan Research Foundation for Optically Active Compounds in Tokio.
October 25, 2018  
Dr. Christos Gatsogiannis was awarded at this year's "Biomedicine Summit" for his outstanding work on bacterial toxins.
October 23, 2018  
The discovery of new NP-inspired drugs however is slow and complex. The group of Herbert Waldmann has found a way to bypass these limitations by developing substances with new molecular framework
October 03, 2018  
Nature identified the strongest national partnership with the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology demonstrated by numerous successful projects.
September 21, 2018  
The groups of Prof. Dr. Yaowen Wu and Dr. Leif Dehmelt developed a new optogenetic method for multi-directional control of cellular processes.
September 21, 2018  
The Raunser lab reports the cryo-EM structure of the XaxAB pore complex from Xenorhabdus nematophila and the crystal structures of the soluble monomers of XaxA and XaxB.
August 23, 2018  
The Waldmann group developed a composite strategy, where chemical proteomics and in silico target prediction were successfully combined to identify 5-Lipoxygenase as the target of the Wnt pathway inhibitor Lipoxygenin.
August 10, 2018  
The Raunser lab, for the first time, solved six high-resolution cryo-structures of F-actin in all its nucleotide states. The structures reveal how the state links to conformational dynamics and how this could determine interactions with actin binding proteins.
June 21, 2018  
Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Jahresversammlung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft vom 12. bis 14. Juni wurden unsere ehemaligen Doktoranden Katharina Overlack und Zhi-Jun Jia mit der Otto-Hahn-Medaille für ihre außergewöhnlichen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen geehrt
June 18, 2018  
Vom 11. bis 13. Juni fand am Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie der vierte internationale SPHIRE Workshop statt.
June 15, 2018  
The former Max Planck Director Prof. Dr. Roger Goody became a Fellow of the Royal Society – the prestigious British Academy of Sciences. The Royal Society honours his extraordinary scientific work.
May 29, 2018  
EMBO announces today that Prof. Dr. Stefan Raunser has been elected among 62 outstanding life scientists to its membership. He is joining a group of more than 1800 of the best researchers in Europe and around the world.
May 14, 2018  
Scientists from eight institutions combine their manifold expertise to develop an infrastructure for drug discovery in North Rhine-Westphalia.
May 02, 2018  
AiCuris Anti-infective Cures GmbH, a leading company in the discovery and development of innovative drugs targeting infectious diseases and the MPI have entered into a collaborative agreement to identify novel compounds for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections.
July 02, 2017  
The DFG has approved a Research Grant for Alex Bird’s project “Molecular basis of clathrin mediated stabilization of microtubules for chromosome segregation”.
April 11, 2018  
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