TU Dortmund under the TOP 50 in the „Rising Stars“-Ranking by Nature
In the “Rising Stars”-Ranking by Nature TU Dortmund university is ranked under the TOP 50 worldwide, nationally it is even ranked #2. The university scored particularly well in Chemistry and Physics. The Max Planck Society has been identified as its strongest partner.
By cooperating in numerous projects with the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology TU Dortmund could achieve significant success in various research fields as for example drug research and cell biology. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann, Director of the Department „Chemical Biology“, holds the chair for „Organic Chemistry“ since 1999 and is also cofounder of the Bachelor and Master programme „Chemical Biology“. Prof. Dr. Philippe Bastiaens, Director of the Department System Biology at the MPI is teaching „Cell Biology“ and „System Biology“ at TU Dortmund.
Since 2014 Nature publishes once a year its Nature Index.
TU Dortmund/JJ