Diversity for Science
Freedom of research is an important principle in our institute and in the entire Max Planck Society. In particular, this means that colleagues with very diverse backgrounds and experiences are welcome, irrespective of gender, nationality, religion, disability and cultural origin. We promote and support the young generation of scientists because generational diversity constitutes the basis for successful research. Our objective is an institute culture in which everyone can develop his or her individual potential. Our equal opportunities policy places emphasis on the compatibility of family and research, in particular on the support of women scientists in the phase in their lives when they are starting families and launching their careers.
A career in science at Max Planck - A guide to career advancement with equal opportunities
A strategy to achieve a gender balance
The Gender Equality Office with the support of the institute management, has developed a goal-based strategy to achieve a gender balanced representation across all categories of employees, especially in the leading academic positions.
The Gender Equality Plan aims to implement short- and long-term measures to balance the gender representation of the Institute, particularly among the scientific staff. Our primary concern is to offer all employees a working environment with attractive framework conditions in order to support them in all matters relating to the compatibility of work and family. Thus, at the institute level, we aim to create conditions that make it possible to develop professional perspectives and pursue career paths in science without gender-specific barriers. In the coming years, our special focus will be on the promotion of talented female scientists and we are working to achieve a significant increase in the proportion of women in leadership positions. As an example, it is our firm intention to appoint a female scientist to Director position in the upcoming years.Equal Opportunities Office Team

Sigrid Rosin-Steiner
GleichstellungsbeauftragteEqual Opportunities Deputies

Dr Sabrina Pospich
Project Group Leader