Christian Schröter

Christian Schröter

Research Group Leader, Systemic Cell Biology 

Molecular Dynamics of Cell Fate Decisions




Schumacher S, Fernkorn M, Marten M, Chen R, Kim YS, Bedzhov I, Schröter C (2024). Tissue-intrinsic beta-catenin signals antagonize Nodal-driven anterior visceral endoderm differentiation. Nat Commun.Source


Gattiglio M, Protzek M, Schröter C (2023). Population-level antagonism between FGF and BMP signaling steers mesoderm differentiation in embryonic stem cells. Biol. Open


Raina D, Fabris F, Morelli LG, Schröter C (2022). Intermittent ERK oscillations downstream of FGF in mouse embryonic stem cells. Development


Raina D, Bahadori A, Stanoev A, Protzek M, Koseska A, Schröter C (2021). Cell-cell communication through FGF4 generates and maintains robust proportions of differentiated cell types in embryonic stem cells. Development

Stanoev A, Schröter C, Koseska A (2021). Robustness and timing of cellular differentiation through population-based symmetry breaking Development


Morgani SM, Saiz N, Garg V, Raina D, Simon CS, Kang M, Arias AM, Nichols J, Schröter C, Hadjantonakis AK. (2018). A Sprouty4 reporter to monitor FGF/ERK signaling activity in ESCs and mice. Dev Biol

Simon CS, Hadjantonakis AK, Schröter C (2018). Making lineage decisions with biological noise: Lessons from the early mouse embryo. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol 142:4205–16.


Schröter C, Rué P, Mackenzie JP, Martinez Arias A (2015). FGF/MAPK signaling sets the switching threshold of a bistable circuit controlling cell fate decisions in embryonic stem cells. Development 142:4205–16. doi:10.1242/dev.127530.

Mulvey CM*, Schröter C*, Gatto L, Dikicioglu D, Fidaner IB, Christoforou A, et al (2015). Dynamic Proteomic Profiling of Extra-Embryonic Endoderm Differentiation in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells 33:2712–25.

Freyer L, Schröter C, Saiz N, Schrode N, Nowotschin S, Martinez Arias A, et al (2015). A loss-of-function and H2B-Venus transcriptional reporter allele for Gata6 in mice. BMC Dev Biol 15:38.


Rost F, Eugster C, Schröter C, Oates AC, Brusch L (2014). Chevron formation of the zebrafish muscle segments. J Exp Biol 217(Pt 21):3870-82.
doi: 10.1242/jeb.102202.


Martinez Arias, A., Nichols, J. and Schröter, C (2013). A molecular basis for developmental plasticity in early mammalian embryos. Development 140, 3499–3510.
doi: 10.1242/dev.091959


Schröter C, Ares S, Morelli LG, Isakova A, Hens K, Soroldoni D, Gajewski M, Jülicher F, Maerkl SJ, Deplancke B, Oates AC (2012).Topology and dynamics of the zebrafish segmentation clock core circuit. PLoS Biol 10(7):e1001364.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001364.

before 2011

Herrgen L, Ares S, Morelli LG, Schröter C, Jülicher F, Oates AC (2010). Intercellular coupling regulates the period of the segmentation clock. Curr Biol 20(14):1244-53.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.06.034.

Schröter C, Oates AC (2010). Segment number and axial identity in a segmentation clock period mutant. Curr Biol 20(14):1254-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.05.071.

Morelli LG, Ares S, Herrgen L, Schröter C, Jülicher F, Oates AC (2009). Delayed coupling theory of vertebrate segmentation. HFSP J 3(1):55-66.
doi: 10.2976/1.3027088.

Herrgen L, Schröter C, Bajard L, Oates AC (2009). Multiple embryo time-lapse imaging of zebrafish development. Methods Mol Biol546:243-54.
doi: 10.1007/978-1-60327-977-2_15.

Schröter C, Herrgen L, Cardona A, Brouhard GJ, Feldman B, Oates AC (2008).Dynamics of zebrafish somitogenesis. Dev Dyn 237(3):545-53.
doi: 10.1002/dvdy.21458.

Morelli LG, Ares S, Herrgen L, Schröter C, Jülicher F, Oates AC (2009). Delayed coupling theory of vertebrate segmentation. HFSP J 3(1):55-66.
doi: 10.2976/1.3027088.

Herrgen L, Schröter C, Bajard L, Oates AC (2009). Multiple embryo time-lapse imaging of zebrafish development. Methods Mol Biol546:243-54.
doi: 10.1007/978-1-60327-977-2_15.

Shankaran SS, Sieger D, Schröter C, Czepe C, Pauly MC, Laplante MA, Becker TS, Oates AC, Gajewski M (2007). Completing the set of h/E(spl) cyclic genes in zebrafish: her12 and her15 reveal novel modes of expression and contribute to the segmentation clock. Dev Biol 304(2):615-32.

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